Welcome to Cavenur

To Excel in Future Life, Your Child Deserves the Early Nurturing Care of a Teacher

Cavenur is a place where children will discover they are lovable, capable and are gifted in many ways. They can only discover their unique individuality through the loving care of a significant adult. That significant adult can be you and also a teacher in school.

In Cavenur our teachers focus on facilitating your child’s discovery of himself as a worthy person. This is done by giving significant weight on the socio-emotional growth of your children. Your children will be emotionally spiritually aware of their connectedness with others including natural environment, plants & animals.

It is only through this awakening of such connections in early years that your children will begin to think of this question as they grow up: “How can I help and bring benefits to others?”

Our Vision

Towards a spiritually driven model
of education and schooling

that is integrated wholesomely, wholly, and holistically that inspires each individual to be a contributor to humanity & the world.


Unfolding and connecting 
The Giftedness

of each child, each educator, and each parent towards the RABB

What we intend to do and why?

Our Aspiration for Our Students

7 Desired Outcomes &
7 Dispositions

Desired Outcomes

  1. God Conscious
  2. Good Character
  3. Successful Learner
  4. Well Balance Person
  5. Collaborative Partner
  6. Committed Person
  7. Contributor to the  Community


  1. Reflective
  2. Principled
  3. Curiosity & Wonder
  4. Responsible
  5. Cooperative
  6. Steadfastness
  7. Caring

Our centre is located at:

Blk 741 Tampines Street 72

#01-74, Singapore 520741

Tel 6782 3437 
[email protected]

Office Hours: 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday [Except for gazetted public holidays]
