Our Discoveries
Your Child’s Journey
Your Child’s Learning Journey is a Sum of Our Discoveries
- Your child will see the world and himself or herself through key concepts and powerful ideas using carefully selected trans-disciplinary themes. The themes are carefully selected to build and nurture in him or her the *social and emotional competencies needed to live, navigate and survive in this fast changing world.
- The small classroom teacher-child ratio environment aims to facilitate constant teacher-child interaction. Lessons are carefully crafted with essential questions that aim to facilitate your child’s thinking and observation skills. Your child will learn to voice his or her opinion with confidence without the fear of being ridiculed. This is possible because Cavenur teachers are specifically taught how to handle questions, how to ask the right questions and how to structure questions in all learning situations and interactions. Character building, *language and literacy as well as *numeracy skills are built into these daily interactions. Your child will not only learn how to do arithmetic, read and appreciate stories but more essentially he or she will acquire literary and numeracy skills in order to learn more about himself or herself, his or her fellow human beings and the world.
- Our hands-on, heart-mind approach allows the child to embark on a learning journey that involves *discovery of the world around children through observation, comparison, classification, measuring and communication activities. Through this approach your child will be able to be environmentally aware of the human and other life forms as well as what’s going on in his or her surroundings. Your child will feel that he or she is part of the interconnecting systems in nature and all life forms.
- On a daily basis, your child will be given time to pause and reflect and contemplate and get in touch with how he or she feels or is feeling. The activities that are connected to this pausing moment are “How I Feel Today”, *aesthetic and creative expression through writing or arts, journal drawing or writing (depending on child’s ability).
- Outdoor and movement programmes which are built into the curriculum bring your child progressively from not knowing how to, for instance, throw, run, skip, jump, swim or balance with coordination to one who is confident with his *motor skill abilities.

* 6 Key Learning Areas as Outline in Ministry of Education of Singapore “Nurturing Early Learners: A (REFRESHED) Framework for Kindergarten Curriculum in Singapore”
Our centre is located at:
Blk 741 Tampines Street 72
#01-74, Singapore 520741
Tel 6782 3437
Email [email protected]